Municipal management and quality of service in the Provincial Municipality of Abancay, 2021
Gestión municipal y calidad del servicio en la Municipalidad Provincial de Abancay, 2021
Municipal management and quality of service in the Provincial Municipality of Abancay, 2021
Universidad César Vallejo, Perú
Carlos Alberto Choquehuanca Saldarriaga
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú
Sara H. Gonzales Agama
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Tayacaja Daniel Hernández Morillo, Perú
Alberto Valenzuela Muñoz
Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, Perú
The objective of the research has been to determine the relationship that exists between municipal management and the quality of service in the Provincial Municipality of Abancay, 2021. In this sense, a questionnaire has been applied to 384 citizens to know their perception of these variables.
With the data collected, we organized a database in SPSS software, with which we were able to describe the behavior of the variables and infer whether there was a significant relationship between them or, on the contrary, they were independent, using the chi square test for this. because the variables are qualitative and we have more than 50 data per variable.
According to the results of the investigation, it has been shown that there is a significant relationship between municipal management and the quality of service in the Provincial Municipality of Abancay, 2021.
Keywords: Municipal management, quality of service.
El objetivo de la investigación ha sido determinar la relación que existe entre la gestión municipal y la calidad del servicio en la Municipalidad Provincial de Abancay, 2021. En ese sentido, se ha aplicado un cuestionario a 384 ciudadanos para conocer su percepción sobre dichas variables.
Con los datos recogidos organicé una base de datos en el software SPSS, con la cual pudimos describir el comportamiento de las variables e inferir si existía una relación significativa entre ellas o, por el contrario, eran independientes, utilizando para ello el test chi cuadrado, en razón de que las variables son cualitativas y tenemos más de 50 datos por variable.
De acuerdo con los resultados de la investigación ha quedado demostrado que existe una relación significativa entre la gestión municipal y la calidad del servicio en la Municipalidad Provincial de Abancay, 2021.
Palabras clave: Gestión municipal, calidad del servicio.
O objetivo da pesquisa foi determinar a relação que existe entre a gestão municipal e a qualidade do serviço no Município Provincial de Abancay, 2021. Nesse sentido, foi aplicado um questionário a 384 cidadãos para conhecer sua percepção dessas variáveis.
Com os dados coletados, organizei um banco de dados no software SPSS, com o qual pudemos descrever o comportamento das variáveis e inferir se havia relação significativa entre elas ou, ao contrário, eram independentes, usando o qui-quadrado porque as variáveis são qualitativas e temos mais de 50 dados por variável.
De acordo com os resultados da investigação, foi demonstrado que existe uma relação significativa entre a gestão municipal e a qualidade do serviço no Município Provincial de Abancay, 2021.
Palavras-chave: Gestão municipal, qualidade de serviço.
Peru is a Republic organized at various levels: We have the central government, regional governments and local governments. Each level has its functions and, according to them, a part of the General Budget of the Republic that is approved each year in the country corresponds to it.
Citizens expect that their authorities, in all levels, obtain their goals and objectives and, in doing so, optimally use the resources at their disposal, so that they carry out effective management that translates into satisfaction of the needs and aspirations of the citizens who elected them and whom they represent.
The object of study of the investigation is the Provincial Municipality of Abancay. We are particularly interested in the management that the current authorities have been carrying out and how it is expressed in a quality of service for citizens.
Initially, management was understood as an activity of companies. In this sense, Mora-Pisco et al. (2016) maintain that management is the "carrying out of errands focused on obtaining some benefit, taking the people who work in the company as active resources for the achievement of objectives" (p. 513). And Suárez-Espinar (2018) defines business management as "the measures and strategies carried out in order to make the company economically viable" (p. 47). But, now, the management has to be specified because it can refer to private companies, public companies, national governments, regional governments, municipalities, non-profit institutions, etc. In all of them it is about making optimal use of resources, however, while in private companies it is about achieving the maximum profitability of the business, in public institutions, the reason for being is to provide the best service to citizens. Referring more specifically to public management in Peru, we have different levels of management: there is the management of the national government, the management of regional governments and the management of local governments or municipalities.
Keeping the differences between private management and municipal management, the problem is whether the municipal management satisfy the expectations of the citizens, so that they perceive it as a quality of service.
In this sense, we have raised the following general research problem: What relationship exists between municipal management and quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021? from which the following specific problems are deduced: 1. What relationship exists between the effectiveness in municipal management and the quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021? 2. What relationship exists between efficiency in municipal management and quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021? 3. What relationship exists between finances in municipal management and the quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021?
From the problems raised, we have deduced the objectives of the research. Thus, the general objective is as follows: To determine the relationship that exists between municipal management and the quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021. And the specific objectives were: 1. To determine the relationship that exists between effectiveness in municipal management and quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021. 2. Determine the relationship between efficiency in municipal management and quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021. 3. Determine the relationship between finances in management municipal and the quality of response of the service in the Province of Abancay 2021.
And as an anticipated response to the problems raised, we set out to demonstrate as a general hypothesis that there is a significant relationship between municipal management and the quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021. And, as specific hypotheses: 1. There is a significant relationship between the efficiency in municipal management and quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021. 2. There is a significant relationship between efficiency in municipal management and quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021. 3. There is a significant relationship between the finances in municipal management and quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021.
Following Fernández-Bedoya (2020), we consider that the research we propose is necessary for the authorities of the Provincial Municipality of Abancay, whose decisions or actions they carry out can be improved if they have a better understanding of the reality in which they work. It is equally important for the citizens of the province, who will benefit from the decisions and actions of their authorities, if they are based on the best knowledge of what is happening in the province. Additionally, we can say that it is convenient for the region, which will look favorably on the progress of the provinces that comprise it.
Hernandez et al. (2014) highlight the importance of the feasibility of the research, that is, the possibility or feasibility of the research being feasible. In that sense, we believe that this research is viable because we have the human, economic and information resources to carry it out successfully.
In the article we focus on two variables: municipal management and quality of service of the provincial municipality of Abancay.
As we indicated above, speaking of management meant that we were referring to private activity (Mora-Pisco et al., 2016, Suárez-Espinar, 2018). But currently, public management has acquired great importance and, within it, municipal management. In this sense, Parras (2016) maintains that municipal management can be understood as "a continuous process of analysis, decision making, organization and control of activities to improve the formulation of municipal public policies and their implementation, in order to order the territory and promote the quality of life of its inhabitants” (p. 10). Vilar (2004) maintains that a quality management system is an organizational framework in which the necessary means are established both for the definition of quality objectives, as well as support for the decisions and actions that will allow them to be achieved. Madriz et al. (2009) define quality municipal government management as a set “of administrative processes capable of generating results aimed at the integral development of the municipality, constantly improving the quality of life of its inhabitants. In this sense, it is necessary to generate internal quality in the processes to achieve quality in the results” And then they maintain that “The quality criteria related to government management refer to quality in processes and quality in results” (p. 142).
The European Foundation for Quality Management (2001), maintains that there are different approaches to quality: the production approach; the product-centric approach, the market approach, and the total quality approach. Tamayo et al. (2011) identify the existence of three basic approaches to implement a quality management "normalized approach through ISO standards, approach of the gurus or great masters of quality and the approach of models and awards of excellence". They consider that "The standardized approach is based on the application of the requirements and guidelines contained in the recognized standards of the ISO 9000 family" (p. 100). The approach of the great masters of quality "includes the results of the work developed by recognized personalities considered as the fathers of quality, such as William Edward Deming, Armand Vallin Feigenbaum, Kauro Ishikawa, Joseph M. Juran, Philip B. Crosby, among others” (pp. 100-101). And "The approach of models of excellence has become international practice through the institution and granting of quality awards, both nationally and regionally, based on compliance with increasingly demanding requirements" (p. 101).
The authors emphasize different aspects of quality of service. There are some who consider that it is an evaluation of the service recipient (Douglas, 2007); others are oriented to see quality as a way to differentiate themselves from their competitors (Diez, 2007), there are also those who are oriented to see quality in relation to customer expectations (Zeithaml et al., 2008, Riveros, 2007, Lewis and Booms, 1983).
There are various theories regarding of quality of service: the zero-defect theory, the Servqual model theory and the service triangle theory.
The zero-defect theory is an exhortation to organizations to reach the goal of zero defects, under the assumption that quality does not cost, but, on the contrary, those that exist are things that do not have quality, all the consequences that they result from not doing things right from the beginning, where there is no such thing as unimportant throughout the service procedure (Crosby, 1998).
The Servqual model theory holds that the quality of a service is the difference between the actual perceptions by customers of the service and the expectations that they formed before receiving the service. So, the client has a negative (or positive) assessment of the quality of a service if the perceptions that he has obtained are lower (or higher) than the expectations that he had made. For this reason, they recommend that companies that provide services should try to exceed the expectations of their clients (Zeithaml, Parasuraman, & Berry, 2008).
The service triangle theory maintains that "it is useful to think of the company and the customer as intimately linked in a kind of triangular relationship" In this triangle, the customer appears surrounded by three elements: the service strategy, the systems and the people “who more or less revolve around the client in a creative interaction” (Albrecht, & Zemke, 1991, p. 40).
Regarding the research carried out, we have Reátegui (2021), who, in his thesis, managed to "validate the innovative management model to develop transformational leadership in the provincial municipality of San Martín" (p. 30).
Calesco and Both (2021), in their article, analyzed the services provided by the gyms of Londrina, Paraná, based on sociodemographic variables, concluding that clients with a higher level of education and a greater time of physical exercise, have a perception more criticism of quality regarding the services provided by gyms.
Ruiz et al. (2020), in their article, set out to "correlate the quality of medical care, the doctor-patient relationship, and medical empathy" in a hospital in Venezuela, finding that there was a significant relationship between these variables.
Collin-Orellana et al. (2020), in their article, established that psychosocial risk and commitment are significantly associated, so that the lower the psychosocial risk, the higher the commitment of the workers, which is important because it implies a better service and is expressed in a greater retention capacity of clients in Guayaquil.
Vega and Elías (2020), in their research, concluded that "It is essential that municipalities develop integrity plans in their institutions as a diagnostic mechanism in the most sensitive areas of corruption, as well as in monitoring that the activities committed in the plan is fulfilled” (p. 83).
Delahoz-Dominguez et al. (2020), in their article, established a method to evaluate, measure and analyze the quality of a service that would allow the improvement of its quality.
Fontalvo et al. (2020), in their article, showed that the user service center in a water service company in Colombia had excellent performance, for which they applied the Six Sigma method.
Jahmani et al. (2020), in their article, concludes that, in the case of Emirates Airline, superior service quality and customer satisfaction lead to passenger loyalty.
Ortiz et al. (2020), in their article, demonstrated the convenience of implementing ICTs to improve the service quality of a restaurant in Lima, which leads to greater customer satisfaction.
Vargas et al. (2020), in their article, concluded that the COVIP 19 virus "was like the iceberg that collided with the local government, impacting and exposing the shortcomings and precariousness of public services that is due to the poor performance of municipal management" (pp. 112-113).
Martinez et al. (2020), in their article, concluded that the “larger, urban communes and with a greater participation of the Municipal Common Fund and Permanent Income in their total income present higher levels of efficiency (p. 68).
Delgado et al. (2019), in their article, conclude that, "the management of the District Municipality of José Leonardo Ortiz, Chiclayo is unacceptable in each of its dimensions: Organizational Development, Municipal Finances and Services and projects" (p. 47).
Cornejo (2019), in his thesis, concluded that "the municipal management of Pucusana - Lima within the framework of the modernization of state management has been fulfilled by 76.95%, resulting in a favorable management impact on the municipal administration of the district of Pucusana” (p. 84).
Valenzo-Jiménez et al. (2019), in their article, established that there was "an average level of perceived quality and a large gap between the expected transportation service and the one received in Morelia" (p. 72).
Fernández (2019), in his article, showed that primary schools in Piura do not have a quality self-assessment mechanism.
Zarraga et al. (2018), in their article, established that the quality of restaurants is based, on the one hand, on the efficiency of the staff and, on the other hand, on the capacity of the service to satisfy consumers.
Cadaval (2017), in his presentation, maintains that "The population is increasingly concentrated around the cities, remaining a reality of abandonment and orphan in the rural" for which "without a doubt, the future seems to advance more towards the new management formulas such as e-administration, in the process of EU implementation.” (p. 25).
Bernal et al. (2017), in their article, concluded that the satisfaction of health users, of health institutions in Mexico, is associated with the quality of the service provided and the way it is managed.
Torres and Luna (2017), in their article, concluded that customers have a high appreciation of banking services in Mexico.
Forbes (2015), in his article, maintains that quality management "allows local governments to implement effective and efficient coordinated actions from planning to execution, in compliance with their mission of promoting sustainable development for people citizens they serve” (p. 3).
De la Torre (2014), in his thesis, concludes that, although the Mexican Revolution and the 1917 Constitution freed the municipal governments from the Political Chiefs and included the municipalities in the country's government structure, "the conception of the municipalities as administrative entities and the lack of definition of their powers were factors that seem to have limited their financial and political autonomy throughout the 20th century” (p. 709).
Aguilar (2009), in his article, maintains that the experience of Ecatepec de Morelos of municipal quality management was valuable, but that, unfortunately, when the municipal government changed, its implementation was dismantled.
To operationalize municipal management, we have broken it down into the following dimensions: effectiveness, efficiency, and finances.
To measure the effectiveness, we have used the following indicators: achievement of goals, introduction of changes and solution to problems.
To measure efficiency, we have used the following indicators: use of resources, use of time and costs.
To measure finances, we have used the following indicators: fund management, financial goals and liquidity.
To operationalize service quality, we have broken it down into the following dimensions: tangibility, security, and responsiveness.
To measure tangibility, we have used the following indicators: facilities, equipment and personnel.
To measure safety, we have used the following indicators: correct service, specialized attention and confidence.
To measure responsiveness, we have used the following indicators: responsiveness to problems, responsiveness to requirements, and responsiveness to modernization.
Aguilar-Barojas (2005) maintains that there are two types of populations: finite and infinite. And he maintains that a population is considered infinite “when the total number of observation units that make it up is unknown or the population is greater than 10,000” (p. 338). And, according to the results of the 2017 National Census, the population of Abancay was 69 thousand 028 inhabitants; of which 33 thousand 646 were men and 35 thousand 382 women, likewise, 58.5% were between 15 and 59 years old (INEI, 2018). Therefore, in this case we would be facing a population size greater than 10,000, which constitutes an infinite population, for which the sample size is calculated with the following formula:
Where: n is the sample size for infinite populations, Z is the abscissa value of a normal standardized variable, p is the probability of success, q is the probability of failure, E is the allowed error. Cortes et al. (2014) express themselves in the same sense.
Then, considering a level of significance of five percent, a maximum variance and a permitted error of five percent, we will have the following data: = 0.05; p = q = 0.5; E = 0.05; where α is the level of significance.
So, for a significance level of 5% proposed, the value of Z will be 1.96. Applying the formula, we will obtain the value of n which will be:
To collect the data, we used the survey technique and, as an instrument, the questionnaire that consists of three dimensions for each variable, three indicators for each dimension and three questions for each indicator, with the following possible answers: totally agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree and totally disagree.
Each of the response alternatives was assigned a number for processing purposes in the software used. For the case the numbers were 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1, respectively.
Expert judgment was used for the validation of the instruments. To measure the reliability of the instruments, Cronbach's alpha was used. In this regard, for the questionnaire on municipal management, SPSS Version 26 yielded the following result:
And for the questionnaire on service quality, SPSS Version 26 yielded the following result:
These results are adequate to consider that the questionnaires are reliable, considering that the minimum value for Cronbach's alpha is expected to be 0.70 (González, & Pazmiño, 2015).
Descriptive results
In table 1 we present the results of the survey applied to 384 citizens of the province of Abancay to find out their perception of municipal management and its dimensions, expressed in absolute and percentage values.
In this table we find that the majority of those surveyed agree with the effectiveness (42.2% of the total), with the efficiency (54.7% of the total), with the finances (53.6% of the total) and with the management in general (40.4 %) in the Municipality of Abancay.
In table 2 we present the results of the survey applied to 384 citizens of the city of Abancay to find out their perception of the quality of the service provided by the Municipality of Abancay and its dimensions, expressed in absolute and percentage values.
In this table we find that the majority of respondents agree with the tangibility (54.9% of the total), with security (43.2% of the total), with the responsiveness (49.0% of the total) and with the quality of the service in general (54.4%) of the Municipality of Abancay
Inferential results
In the first place, we are going to determine if there is a significant relationship between the efficiency and the quality of the municipal service of Abancay.
The hypotheses to be tested are the following:
H0: There is no significant relationship between the effectiveness of municipal management and the quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021.
H1: There is a significant relationship between the effectiveness of municipal management and the quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021.
Table 3 corresponds to the cross table between effectiveness in municipal management and quality of service.
With the data in table 3, we have applied the chi square test, using the SPSS software, whose results are shown in table 4.
This table shows that the relationship between municipal management effectiveness and service quality is significant at a significance level of one percent, therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted.
Second, we are going to test if there is a significant relationship between the efficiency and the quality of the municipal service of Abancay.
The hypotheses to be tested are the following:
H0: There is no significant relationship between the efficiency of municipal management and the quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021.
H1: There is a significant relationship between the efficiency of municipal management and the quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021.
Table 5 corresponds to the cross table between efficiency in municipal management and quality of service.
With the data in table 5, we have applied the chi square test, using the SPSS software, whose results are shown in table 6.
This table shows that the relationship between efficiency in municipal management and service quality is significant at a significance level of one percent, therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted.
Third, we are going to test if there is a significant relationship between finances and the quality of the municipal service of Abancay.
The hypotheses to be tested are the following:
H0: There is no significant relationship between the finances of municipal management and the quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021.
H1: There is a significant relationship between the finances of municipal management and the quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021.
Table 7 corresponds to the cross table between finances in municipal management and quality of service.
With the data in table 7, we have applied the chi square test, using the SPSS software, whose results are shown in table 8.
This table shows that the relationship between finances in municipal management and service quality is significant at a significance level of one percent, therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted.
Fourth, we are going to test if there is a significant relationship between management and service quality in the Municipality of Abancay.
The hypotheses to be tested are the following:
H0: There is no significant relationship between municipal management and service quality in the Province of Abancay 2021.
H1: There is a significant relationship between municipal management and the quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021.
Table 9 corresponds to the cross table between municipal management and service quality in the Province of Abancay.
With the data in table 9, we have applied the chi square test, using the SPSS software, whose results are shown in table 10.
This table shows that the relationship between municipal management and quality of service is significant at a significance level of one percent, therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted.
The results show that the majority of the citizens of Abancay agree with the municipal management in general (40.4%) and with the management of each of its dimensions (42.2% with efficiency; 54.7% with effectiveness and 53.6% with finances). Moreover, if we add the percentage of agreement and total agreement, said approval rises to 72.7%, 69.5%, 67.2% and 64.6%, respectively, which is not the case of the glossed antecedents that have always considered that there is no good management and that, if there was, it was not sustainable,
Likewise, the results show that the majority of the citizens of Abancay agree with the quality of the municipal service in general (54.4%) and with the management of each of its dimensions (54.9% with tangibility; 43.2% with the security and 49.0% responsive). On the other hand, if we add the percentage of agreement and total agreement, said approval rises to 61.7%, 47.7%, 53.9% and 64.6%, respectively, which generally coincides with what was found about the quality in the glossed background.
From a theoretical point of view, it was expected that there would be a significant relationship between municipal management and the quality of the service provided by the Municipality of Abancay, understanding that better management would have to be associated with a better quality of service provided by said Municipality, which that, in effect, it has been verified with the hypothesis tests carried out that they were significant at 1% in all cases.
In this sense, we can conclude that:
1. According to the results of the investigation, there is a significant relationship between the effectiveness of municipal management and the quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021.
2. According to the results of the investigation, there is a significant relationship between efficiency in municipal management and quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021
3. According to the results of the investigation, there is a significant relationship between finances in municipal management and the quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021.
4. According to the results of the investigation, there is a significant relationship between municipal management and the quality of service in the Province of Abancay 2021.
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