This article entitled "Delays in the Execution of Works and their possible causes in the Regional Government of Pasco - 2022" examines the possible causes that may cause delays in the execution of works in the Pasco region. The study identifies several reasons for the delays, including failures in the technical file, climatic factors, additional work, calculation of readjustments, greater metrics, and important factors generated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The study highlights the importance of project scope changes and additional work, which can significantly delay project execution. In addition, climatic factors can also delay construction projects in the region.
The article highlights that the COVID-19 pandemic has also had a significant impact on the execution of construction projects. The works had to be temporarily suspended, which affected the progress of the project and delayed the delivery of the works.
Other potential causes of delays include coordination failures between different teams and contractors, delays in the approval of permits and licenses, as well as delays in calculating price readjustments.
The study concludes that early identification and timely resolution of these issues can help minimize delays and ensure the successful completion of construction projects. In addition, the implementation of risk management measures and proper planning are suggested to ensure that preventive measures are taken to avoid or minimize delays.
The present research, whose approach is qualitative, was justified by the PRISMA methodology, in order to obtain information from works developed regarding the problem indicated, for the present study databases such as: SCIELO, GOOGLE ERUDITO, REDALYC and DIALNET were used, with a criterion of temporality based on information from the last 4 years (2019 – 2022).
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Copyright (c) 2023 Carlos Alfredo Valqui Castañeda, Miguel Angel Yglesias Jauregui