Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Tayacaja Daniel Hernández Morillo - UNAT

Transition process to the civil service law for local governments case: District Municipality of Paucara
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Local government
civil service
public management

How to Cite

Moran Cusi, S. (2022). Transition process to the civil service law for local governments case: District Municipality of Paucara. Llamkasun, 3(2), 106–113. https://doi.org/10.47797/llamkasun.v3i2.110


The modernization of public management in local governments consists, among other things, in the implementation of the results-based approach. In this way, entities must continue to promote and implement measures and actions to improve goods and services for citizens. Among its characteristics is the strengthening of decentralization. For this reason, the public management modernization process has five pillars, including the Civil Service, which tries to perfect public servants based on meritocracy and turn them into true public managers. For this, the public system of SERVIR was created and promoted. The main objective of this article is to present the case of the District Municipality of Paucara, in its attempt to transition to the Civil Service Law, through revisions of the current regulatory framework. In the conclusions, information is provided to the public servants who participate in the management of a municipality, it contributes to creating the capacity to carry out the processes and procedures for the transition to the Civil Service Law and the analysis of the limitations found, in this way try to find solutions for the proper management of human resources.

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Autoridad Nacional del Servicio Civil. (2021). Preguntas frecuentes sobre la Directiva N° 001-2021-SERVIR-GDSRH, Lineamientos para el tránsito de una entidad pública al régimen del Servicio Civil.

Municipalidad Distrital de Paucara. (2021). Informe Técnico del Reglamento de Organización y Funciones-V00.

Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros. (2018 de Setiembre de 2018). DECRETO SUPREMO Nº 131-2018-PCM Decreto Supremo que modifica los Lineamientos de Organización del Estado aprobados mediante el Decreto Supremo Nº 054-2018-PCM. Lima, Perú.

Autoridad Nacional del Servicio Civil. (2021). DIRECTIVA N° 001-2021-SERVIR-GDSRH Lineamientos para el Tránsito de una Entidad Pública al Régimen del Servicio Civil. Lima, Perú.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Saul Moran Cusi


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