Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Tayacaja Daniel Hernández Morillo - UNAT

Motivational factors and barriers to scientific production: perceptions of teachers in an emerging university in Peru
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scientific productivity

How to Cite

Valqui Castañeda , C. A., Castillo Santa, M. B., & Valqui Rios, C. X. (2024). Motivational factors and barriers to scientific production: perceptions of teachers in an emerging university in Peru. Llamkasun, 5(1), 28–34. https://doi.org/10.47797/llamkasun.v5i1.130


In Peru, there is still a low academic level and research quality, although with the implementation of the University Law there has been some improvement in that sense. This study examines the relationship between motivational factors/barriers and the scientific productivity of teachers at the National Autonomous University of Tayacaja (UNAT) in Peru. The research is quantitative with a non-experimental design. It involved 49 of the 73 UNAT teachers in 2024, selected through probabilistic sampling. A survey validated with the Kuder-Richardson coefficient was used, consisting of 22 items distributed across 6 indicators. The results were analyzed in Microsoft® Excel 365, using Spearman correlation analysis and principal component analysis. The results show high intrinsic motivation among teachers towards research, with 98% considering conducting research despite the required effort. However, they face significant barriers such as lack of economic incentives (71.4%), time for research within their academic activities (69.4%), and research support networks (36.7%). The findings of this article identified the importance of the institution implementing policies to address these barriers and promote scientific production.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Alfredo Valqui Castañeda , Maria Bessy Castillo Santa, Claudia Ximena Valqui Rios


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