This work Pedagogical Action Research entitled "Step by step development of reading comprehension skills", he had as its main objective ANDUDE implement strategy to improve reading comprehension in students of School No. 31099 Palca community-Salcabamba ; for that purpose was launched methodology of pedagogical action research as part of the paradigm of qualitative research, where the main actors of the research were students of V cycle, the teacher and the accompanying research program, who intervened in the form dynamics in the research process. The techniques used in data collection were: observation, photographic technique and daily field of research; Moreover, the techniques of analysis and interpretation of data were coding, categorization and triangulation. The pedagogical proposal was ANDUDE implementing the strategy proposed by Isabel Solé; and the results were favorable as it has come, among others, the following main conclusion: It was possible to transform and improve my teaching practice with the proper use of the ANDUDE strategy, this involved the use of techniques, media, materials and evaluation relevant. Finally, a significant improvement was observed in the ability of reading comprehension in students, as demonstrated by the results of the analysis and interpretation of data, which can confirm the strength of my pedagogical approach.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Sulma Curo Victoria, Rolando Johel Pariona Mayta, Gianmarco Garcia Curo